Why Rapid Oats are a healthy partner for Whey

Whey protein is great for providing the protein portion of a meal. It's clean, low calorie, and easily digested. Sometimes though, especially if time pressed, it's hard to include a healthy carbohydrate that's just as convenient, and can be mixed with whey at the same time.

Pure NZ Rapid Oats is ideal. It has all of the good properties of Oats – including sustained, steady energy, that helps you feel full for longer. It's also prepared fast and easily. Just add it to your shaker along with your whey, or if you use an electric blender, then it comes up next level. It does this with clean calories, and the carbohydrates content remains on the lean side. So it's ideal for cutting up, or if lean gains focused, or in need of carbohydrates for endurance training, then up the serving size further to suit.

Because I'm cutting right now, what I do myself is include 2 heaped tablespoons of Pure NZ Rapid Oats in my afternoon Whey Protein smoothie. This is less than 20g of carbohydrates coming from the Rapid Oats (this is less than the carbs in one banana). If I know I'm having a big workout later or will need greater energy, then I double that amount for the boost (still less than 40g of carbs!).

Want a ready to go Proats shake with a delicious flavour and nothing artificial?
Here you go: Pure NZ Oats And Whey
It tastes awesome in Vanilla Cookie ;-)
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