How much whey protein powder would you recommend I use daily?


Hi Mike,

Your Primal Whey protein concentrate seems to be the best one I can find based on the recommended 'what to look for' by Dr Mercola. He recommends it's crucial to maintain good muscle mass as we age to support general health and strong immune system, the best way by taking healthy whey protein powder. I've noticed a definite decrease in mine and would like to change this. I'm a 59 year old woman of slim build and want to use this in my morning smoothie or breakfast cereal. How much whey protein powder would you recommend I use daily?

Thank you.




Hi Jane,

Having whey protein in your morning smoothie or with your breakfast cereal is a good way to go. What I do myself is have the whey protein with my breakfast weetbix and a banana. The 2 most important times of day to take whey is with breakfast, and if it's a day you are exercising, then soon after that (if it's not the same time as your breakfast serving). Each time you take the whey I would recommend a 30g serving, which is roughly 2 rounded tablespoons. I would recommend to use the whey 1 to 2 x each day. If you feel you need more protein support, or the rest of your diet isn't fulfilling your protein needs, then it is ok to use whey more than 1 to 2 x each day. I use whey about 4 x each day, most days myself.

Thank you.





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