What are the best supplements to help prevent muscle and energy fatigue?

Question: Hi Mike, what are the best supplements I could take to help prevent muscle fatigue (during CrossFit workouts), and what could you suggest for extra energy?

Answer: The best supplements to help prevent muscle fatigue during workouts (in this order) are:

Micronised Creatine
Beta Alanine
Pure Citrulline Malate
Pure Taurine

Each of the above supplements works at their best if they're taken every day. This keeps them maximally loaded for training. They can each be taken on their own in isolation, or they can be stacked together on the same plan.

If you would prefer something that you can take just pre-workout, to help reduce muscle fatigue (as well as help strength), then for that go with:

Hellcat Pre–workout

Along with Micronised Creatine, Hellcat is our most popular supplement to help with CrossFit and strength workouts.  

For that extra energy help you asked about, our secret go to is:


Some people like the lift effect of combining 1 to 2 capsules of TR2, with a serving of Hellcat before training. This is to help with maximum energy and focus, as well as muscle endurance and stamina.

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1 comment

  • Really useful. Thanx!

    David Bernard

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