What is the best way to dissolve Creatine Monohydrate?

When stirring Micronised Creatine into water, it first goes into a suspension and cloudy appearance. I personally drink it while it's like this. By stirring for a longer time and waiting, it will slowly begin to dissolve. Very slowly.

Warm water or a warm drink, like a cup of tea or coffee, will make it easier work and help speed that up. Dissolving in a warm drink may help you if you have a sensitive stomach too.

One thing to remember is, don't add Creatine Monohydrate to your drink and then heat it. Heat your drink first, then add the Creatine once it has cooled to the temperature you will drink it.

However you choose to drink it is ok. Once you drink it, Micronised Creatine has a very high bioavailability – it's greater than 95 percent. If you want to get the highest uptake possible, have your creatine either mixed into a carbohydrate drink, or with a shake, or drink it alongside these things. At the same time as a meal is also a good time.

Creatine Monohydrate is one of my favourite supplements, but unfortunately it's one of the most misunderstood. If you have any questions about it just let me know.
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