Double barrelled fat burning

For losing fat fast, try the recent cardio technique from researchers at the University of Kansas.

Their findings show that by dividing a 30 minute cardio session into two shorter workouts, and spacing them between 6 and 8 hours apart (ie one in the morning and one in the evening) an increased metabolic rate (approximately 40 percent higher than a once-a-day workout) will result!

That's a whopping 40 percent more fat burning effect per day!!!

Now to really fire up this fat burning furnace...

1) Cut out all carbohydrate intake after 4pm.

2) Shift the balance of your nutrient intake. Minimise fat and reduce carbohydrate intake - and increase 'quality' protein intake, ideally from a Whey Protein. 

3) Use a powerful thermogenic supplement 2 or 3 times per day, such as 'TR2'. This will help increase your energy levels, increase bodyfat utilisation for fuel, and decrease food cravings.

4) Eat frequently - a minimum of 5 to 6 protein containing meals per day. Make at least 2, and up to 4 of these meals from a high quality Whey Protein source.

5) For maximum metabolism and peak fat burning, focus on maintaining and developing lean muscle. To help use supplements like Creatine Monohydrate and Glutamine.

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