What is the Post Workout window of opportunity?

There's mixed thoughts on how long the post workout 'nutrient' window of opportunity really is. If you ask a professional athlete, most aim to have muscles refuelling within 45 minutes of finishing a training session. This works well. If you miss this opportunity it can slow recovery and prevent you from being able to perform at optimum for your next session. It's worth planning to get things right at this time, every day you train. It's also a good way to put an end to suffering nagging muscle pain in the days following training.

For most people a protein powder is the key supplement post workout. Whey Isolate is the fastest digesting protein source, and the quickest way to get natural BCAA's and amino's into muscles to help stimulate muscle recovery. For our highest BCAA's containing Whey proteins use Pure NZ Isolate or Pure NZ Primal Isolate.

When training performance is a priority then carbohydrates are critical post workout. Two fast and easily digested carbs are Pure Dextrose and Pure Maltodextrin. Combine them 50:50 for optimum carb replenishment. These fast carbs may also help with protein, and amino acid uptake. It's also useful to include a slower released carb like Pure NZ Rapid Oats into the mix too. This may help give you a steady, time released supply of carbohydrates over a longer period of time.

For refuelling to the optimum, Alpha Lipoic Acid is a powerhouse, it may help you shuttle nutrients faster to muscles, plus it's one very strong Anti-oxidant. To complete your recovery plan, finish with a serving of Vitamin C Powder, providing 2000mg of our fast absorbed Vitamin C blend.

Post workout supplementation is one of the biggest nutritional steps you can take to support training performance goals, let me know if you need a hand with anything ;-)

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